Students Involved in Geophysical Weather and Atmospheric Studies


The SIGWA project's 3-hourly weather forecast shows the relevant weather information averaged over 3 hours starting from 12 mindnight Philippine standard time.


Weather outlook icons

sunny suncloud rain rain rain2
Sunny Sunny with clouds Cloudy light rain/drizzle Rain light~moderate Heavy Rain
clear cloud night cloudy night2 rain nightrain1 nightrain2
Clear night sky with few clouds CLoudy light rain/drizzle Rain light~moderate Heavy Rain


Displays the 3 hour averaged temperature for the specified time span.


Displays 3 hour averaged relative humidity. Gives a measure of water content (saturation) of air.


Displays 3 hour averaged precipitation or rainfall. 0~1mm/hr generally is very light to light rain. 2~5mm/hr is moderate rain and more than 5 mm/hr is heavy rain.


Displays 3 hour averaged wind speed and wind direction. 0~5 m/s is light wind, 6~12 m/s is moderate wind, more than that is generally strong wind.

"Heat Index"

To be added during the summer season. Sometimes referred to as 'Real Feel', this is what we feel when high temperature is aggravated by high humidity.


Daily weather forecasts

Day forecasts of key cities in the Philippines show weather outlook, temperature high and lows for the whole day. Updates are done together with the 3-hourly forecasts.




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